Springs Family Veterinary Hospital

9 Hampstead Place Suite 105
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866




Meet SFVH Staff Pets!
By Macy Fitzgerald, LVT



staff pets blog cover pic


We thought it would be fun to introduce our clients to some of our
beloved personal pets! Our staff each chose one pet to showcase this month. 
We hope you enjoy getting to know them a bit, as well as how they plan to enjoy the
upcoming summer months!








Rianne’s Forrest is a Treeing Walker Coonhound who prefers to live the easy life. His summer plans include building pillow forts inside on his favorite couch. He loves to snuggle up under the covers, snoring away! When he's not relaxing, Forrest takes walks in the park with his family and enjoys smelling all that there is to smell. Where there is cheese involved, you can count Forrest in as he soaks up all the love and treats this summer in the comfort of his home.❤️








Maggie is Ashley’s sweet goldendoodle who is as smart as she is affectionate. Maggie’s summer plans sound dreamy, as this summer you can find her relaxing by the pool with her grandparents. Besides living it up poolside, Maggie loves activities with her family, including playing ball in the backyard and going on car rides. Amidst all of the fun, she still keeps her post of the neighborhood watch from her favorite chair.❤️








Macy’s Magnus is a cat who lives in the lap of luxury. Magnus is a spritely spirit who frequents between zoomies around the house and basking in the sun under his mom’s plants. Magnus does food puzzles every now and again, which has helped him become quite the clever cat. When the weather is nice, Magnus will sit outside on his kitty harness admiring the birds and sounds of nature. And for the rainy days, he enjoys the same from his perch on the windowsill.❤️








Maximus the cool Collie belongs to Suzie’s family. While he doesn’t have any summer plans yet, Suzie says Maximus enjoys spending time with the family, particularly laying on their feet. His friendly and playful disposition makes him the perfect companion for playing with other dogs, and cleaning up after the baby. True to his breed, he also has a strong herding instinct and enjoys long walks alongside his family.❤️








Michelle’s dog Monty is a fun loving guy who enjoys hanging out at home with his cat siblings. Monty will enjoy pup cups and visiting friends this summer. Other dogs aren’t Monty’s favorite, he prefers to have the attention all to himself for belly rubs! Therefore, Monty is looking forward to solo adventures with his family!❤️








Oakley is Mallory’s Catahoula hound with an adventurous spirit. Oakley loves long walks with his family almost as much as he loves snuggling during a cozy night in. This summer you’ll find him scaling the trails high up in the Adirondack Mountains, as this adventure dog makes hiking look easy. He can also be found running the pastures alongside his horse cousins. Mallory says Oakley’s favorite treats are ones that keep him busy including peanut butter Kongs and busy bones.❤️








Otis the Labrador belongs to Dr Ryan and family. Dr Ryan says Otis plans on working on his swimming this summer at the lake. Another one of his favorite activities is hanging around during summer barbeques, hoping for a special treat! When he’s not running around with family, Otis is cruising around on the boat enjoying the summer sun and the cool lake.❤️








Penny the pug loves to relax, her mom Chelsea says she is a champion sleeper and snuggler! Relaxing isn’t the only thing on this summer’s agenda for Penny, she also plans to spend time playing with her golden retriever brother, Jesse. Trips to the lake with her family include dipping her puggy toes in the water. Despite her love for life in the slow lane and short stature, Penny has the personality to light up the room and greets everyone with friendly barks and wiggles.❤️


Thanks for reading all about our pets!❤️